Run/Walk intervals (Galloway Method) – why I’m a big fan

My running journey

Like many, I started running with the Couch to 5k program. I made it to the point where I could run just about run 5k non stop – then my hip started hurting. Eventually I was diagnosed with bursitis – common among middle aged women who suddenly take up exercise apparently!

Every time I tried to start running again, it flared up. Eventually, after over 6 months of physio and no running, I tried again. This time I added just a few short bursts of running into my power walks.

Gradually I extended the run intervals. Then someone told me about Jeff Galloway and his run/walk method. I became a complete convert.

No longer was I “having to walk” because I wasn’t fit enough. I was “choosing to walk” to increase my overall speed.

Since then I’ve stopped trying to get back to running non stop and have become a committed fan of the run/walk method.
